1. The purpose of the Faulkner County Fair Youth Talent Contest is to discover, develop, and encourage talent in the youth of Faulkner County. It is designed primarily for amateur talent, but any act which qualifies otherwise is eligible, even if the act received pay at some time, EXCEPT where the person(s) is engaged in the entertainment business or paid instructors of the Arts.
2. Junior Contestants must be 10 years of age and not more than 15 years of age by October 14, 2022. Senior Contestants must be 16 years of age and not more than 21 years of age by October 14, 2022. Any contestant appearing younger or older than the age limits specified should be prepared to furnish proof of age to the Faulkner County Director.
3. Contestants must legally reside in Faulkner County for six months immediately preceding the county contest or must be a full-time student who has attended an academic school within the county for one full semester immediately preceding the county contest.
4. Entry forms must be filled out completely and signed by authorized parties. Acts with five (5) or more contestants can designate one responsible adult for the group to sign the entry form who must also furnish a copy of the contest rules to each contestant in the act.
5. No contestant may be allowed to compete in more than two categories.
6. Check-in Time will be at 5:30. The Talent Show will begin at 6:00. After the kids portion is over. PLEASE ALLOW TIME FOR TRAFFIC. It is usually heavy during this time.
7. The Dress Code is completely optional, but attire MUST be in good taste and suitable for performance.
8. Contestants will be judged on Talent, Stage Presence, Appearance, Preparedness
9. No decorative or background props of any kind will be allowed. A prop MUST be used as a functional part of the contestant’s act.
10. Time Limit for each act is 3 minutes (including recorded introduction). You will not receive deductions at the County level; however, music will be faded at 3 minutes and 15 seconds. If you advance to the State level, there is a mandatory time limit of 3 minutes.
11. Musical accompaniment for any act must be recorded. Contestants must furnish their own CD that must contain ONLY the music needed for the performance or supply a digital copy one week prior to the
performance. Playing a recording from a phone or other digital devices for the performance is strictly prohibited. It is recommended that contestants bring a second CD to have in case of an emergency. All digital files should be sent to email address:
12. ALL CDs should be clearly marked with contestant (s) name and music title.
13. All CDs must be claimed immediately following the contest. The Faulkner County Fair Youth Talent Contest assumes NO responsibility for CD’s left unclaimed.
14. No Dressing Area will be provided, however, there are restrooms available if needed to change into a costume. Faulkner County Fair Association WILL NOT be responsible for any items left in the restrooms.
15. No visitors are permitted backstage including make-up artists, talent coaches, family, or friends.
16. Any display of bad sportsmanship and/or unbecoming conduct, any interference and/or disturbance, foul language, or any other behavioral problem created by a contestant, parent, relative or supporter of a contestant could result in disqualification of the contestant not only from this year’s contest but all future Faulkner County Fair Contests.
17. There will be no admission to the Talent Competition, however, standard parking fees will apply.
18. No formal rehearsal will be held.
19. The Faulkner County Fair Talent & Pageant Director and or Faulkner County Fair Board reserve the final and absolute right to interpret these rules and arbitrarily settle and determine all matters, questions and differences in regard thereto, or otherwise arising out of or connected with, or incident to the contest,
and the right to amend or add to these rules as their judgement may determine. Any contestant who fails to abide by any of the above rules can be disqualified from the competition by the Faulkner County Fair Talent & Pageant Director or Faulkner County Fair Board.
20. The Faulkner County Fair is not responsible for any lost, stolen, or damaged property. Please treat the facility with the upmost respect and clean-up after yourself when the event is over.
21. Fair and impartial judges are chosen by the Faulkner County Talent and Pageant Director. Contestant and/or parents are not to approach the judges at any time. Their decision will be final. Score sheets WILL NOT be available at any time for viewing.
ALL proceeds will benefit the Faulkner County Fair Scholarship Program
The top 3 acts in each age division will advance to the Arkanas State Fair and represent Faulker County.