Important please read before continuing:
Our foodbank is experiencing high demand. Therefore the limit is 2 food parcels per household per year unless your support Agency is applying on your behalf (e.g. Thames Budgeting Service) or you have exceptional circumstances.
- Only whanau or individuals living in the Thames area are eligible for a food parcel through Thames Foodbank.
- You must provide proof of ID and proof of your household current address (even if you have had a food parcel in the past) - (e.g. login to your myMSD on your phone).
- We may ask you for proof of why you need a food parcel or if you have been declined by WINZ for a food grant.
- Register using our online form (below) or text, phone. or drop into 305 Mary Street for further instructions. See a separate form for pet food application.
- If applying on behalf of a relative or friend, we will contact that person to confirm their request or we will decline the application.
- Pick up only from 305 Mary Street, Thames: we do not do deliveries.
REMINDER - YOU MUST Bring ID and a current proof of address.
There will be a time delay in receiving your parcel as we will review and approve your application.
Please contact us on phone (07) 868 6274 or mobile / text (021) 215 1154 if you would like to discuss, or email us on:
Our opening hours are Monday to Thursday only from 10am - 11:30am.