If you do not enter your housing address correctly, then we will be unable to activate your SEVIS. Please check with your landlord for the correct way to write your address.
The USA address format is
Street Number Street Name Apartment or Room Number
City State Zip Code
For example,
1234 Apple Street #2
Los Angeles, California 90005
You must enter your address for where you currently are living. If you arrived to the USA early and are not in your permanent housing yet, you need to use your temporary address to activate SEVIS, and then update SEVIS when you move. SEVIS must always be 100% accurate to where you are currently residing.
The exchange visitor is expected to reside at the approved location throughout the duration of their program.
Should the exchange visitor wish to change their housing from what has been confirmed with LifeTRAVELED, they must submit a Self-Housing Vetting Form to have the new housing vetted and approved by LifeTRAVELED.
It is imperative that the address used for SEVIS activation and record matches the address where the exchange visitor is actually living. Only the address that has been approved for residence should be used for SEVIS purposes. This disclosure ensures that participants are aware of their obligations regarding housing and the importance of maintaining accurate SEVIS records.