I DO HEREBY INDEMNIFY and undertake to keep indemnified the UKI PUBLIC
HALL & RECREATION RESERVE TRUST and/or its successors and all persons
associated with the Reserve Trust (including the Minister administering the Crown
Lands Act) against all claims, demands, suits, charges or other actions or costs
whatsoever arising from, or in connection with the said use by us of the building,
grounds, improvements, appurtenances, access thereto and there from PROVIDED
further that without limiting in any way the generality of the foregoing indemnity it
shall include all claims, demands, suits, charges or other actions or costs arising in
respect of any loss or injury to any persons attending upon the property as a
licensee or invitee upon the dates specified herein.
I have been advised and understand that the Uki Public Hall & Recreation Reserve
Trust does not offer any coverage for Public (Legal) Liability for the period of hire
requested and accept that I, the hirer, am personally responsible for any damages
or injuries that may occur during the period of hire.
Further, I HAVE READ AND AGREE TO ADHERE TO, all conditions as stated in the Conditions of Hire (pages 1 and 2), and within this application and any
further conditions imposed by the Trust with regard to this event.
I understand that failure to adhere to requirements will result in forfeiture of bond deposit.