Atra Academy Registration
Your Name
First Name
Last Name
Your Email
I would like to register for
Im Ein Kemach, Ein Torah: Creative Resource Development for Spiritual Entrepreneurs - Tuesday, June 20th at 2pm ET / 11am PT
My Rabbinate: So What and Why Workshop - Wednesday, July 12th at 1pm ET / 10am PT
The Rabbi’s Second Brain: The Technologies That Help Us Get Things Done - Tuesday, July 18th at 2pm ET / 11am PT
Phone Number
Where are you currently based?
City, State, Country
What is your relationship to Atra: Center for Rabbinic Innovation and our work? Select all that apply.
I am a rabbi/Jewish spiritual leader and I have previously participated in at least one program with Atra
I am a rabbi/Jewish spiritual leader and I have never participated in any programs with Atra before
I am currently in rabbinical school/a seminary program/pursuing ordination
I am a Jewish Educator
I am a Jewish Professional/I work at a Jewish communal organization
I serve on a Board of an organization that employs rabbis
I am a lay leader, volunteer, or Board member with a synagogue or Jewish organization
I am just interested!
None of the above
If you are a rabbi, clergy, Jewish Professional, lay leader, volunteer, or Board member, which organization(s) or community do you work with/serve?
Type N/A if not applicable
Any questions or comments?
Should be Empty: