Volunteer Application
We're calling on YOU to make the experience more magical! ✨
The greatest experiences comes when we step up for each other. Whether you just want to help out once for a couple hours, or volunteer for a few shifts in exchange for a free ticket, every bit of help will mean so much to everyone around you! Let us know your desired level of involvement in the form below, and our Volunteer Coordinator will be in touch with next steps.
What level of involvement are you interested in?
Help out once for up to 4 hours, just for fun!
Full time Volunteer, Minimum of 12 hours (4 hours per shift) in exchange for $50 reimbursement per 4 hours of service.
Did you purchase a ticket already?
Have you attended any PSF Gatherings, or parties in the past?
Not yet 😊
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Please include a picture of yourself!
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
What days are you available to help out?
Before Setup - Thursday, August 1st
At the Festival - Friday, August 2nd
At the Festival - Shabbos, August 3rd
After - Sunday, August 4th
Which team or teams would you like to work with?
Greeters Team- Check-in
Shuttle Team - Bringing people an their stuff in (Fun!)
Setup Team
Tear-down - Clean up Team
Art Team
Kitchen Team
Servers Team (Kitchen)
Security Team
Medical Team
Leadership Team - (team leaders)
Working 3x 4-hour shifts
earns you
$50 per a shift!
OPTIONAL: Do you have any medical conditions we should know about? Any allergies to medicine?
Emergency Contact - Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Should be Empty: