1. Should be a member of the Church of God, a regular attendee of your local church, born again, and preferably baptized in the Holy Ghost.
2. Age requirements:
- Older Teen Week: At least 18 years of age and graduated from high school for support staff. At least 20 years of age for counselor positions.
- Young Teen Week: At least 18 years of age and graduated from high school for support staff. At least 20 years of age for counselor positions.
- Junior Week: At least 16 years of age for support staff. At least 18 years of age for counselor positions.
- Any exceptions must be approved by the State Director.
3. If you are under the age of 18, you should be registered to attend your appropriate week of camp as a camper before you are eligible to sign up to volunteer.
4. You must submit a copy of government issued photo ID as a part of your completed online application.
5. Shall complete an online application form and have the Character Endorsement completed by the pastor of their local church. An endorsement must be on file for each camp volunteer. During your online application you must provide your Lead Pastor's email address for an endorsement.
6. All volunteers must meet screening requirements including but not limited to a criminal background check; complete and pass the exam (if one is provided) and are selected with the approval of the State Director.
7. All Church of God Youth Camp Staff are considered volunteers and should carry their own hospitalization insurance.
8. Understand that children under youth camp age are not allowed to stay on campus. Due to limited space and to allow each staff member to fully devote their time and energy to their area of responsibility, we are unable to provide a nursery or child care. So, prior to your arrival at camp, please make other arrangements for the care of your children under camp age.
9. By agreeing to serve in the Church of God Youth Camp, it is expected that all volunteers will conduct themselves in a manner that exemplifies Christian character and that all youth camp guidelines will be obeyed.
10. Be willing to adhere to all general guidelines, policies, and procedures included in the AL Youth Camp Manual (Free Download Available on our website at www.alacoghq.org).