Integrative Health Matters is a functional medicine clinic. IHM Providers accept some patients for Ketamine IV Therapy. A provider consult is required for clearnace before any Ketamine IV therapy is approved.
While the initial provider consult may be billed to and covered by your insurance, Ketamine IV Therapy is not a billable service and is not covered by insurance. We will discuss the cost for Ketamine IV therapy during the informational call.
By completing and signing this form, you are simply signing up for an informational call to learn about the Ketamine IV program at Integarive Health Matters. There is no cost for this informational call.
After the informational call, you may be offered to scehdule a clinical consult with an IHM medical provider. This clincal consult with a medical provider is required before any Ketamine IV therapy is scheduled.
By signing below, I agree that I have answered all questions truthfully to the best of my ability.