Starting with the present/latest job(Dimulai dengan pekerjaan saat ini/pekerjaan yang terakhir)
Please upload your resume and cover letter. | Silakan unggah resume dan surat lamaran Anda.
Please upload your proposal and related documents. | Silahkan unggah proposal dan dokumen-terkait Anda.
Please upload your proposal and any supporting documents. | Silakan unggah proposal dan dokumen pendukung Anda.
Please upload your business profile and any relevant documentation. | Silahkan unggah profil bisnis dan dokumentasi yang relevan.
Please upload any photos or documents related to your complaint.
Please upload any relevant documents related to your investor inquiry.
Please upload any supporting documents or evidence. | Silahkan unggah dokumen dan bukti pendukung.
Please upload any relevant documents or files. | Silahkan unggah dokumen atau berkas yang relevan.
Briefly describe yourself and your qualifications that would make you a suitable candidate for the job.
Provide detailed information about your procurement offer, including specifications and benefits.
Describe your sponsorship or marketing collaboration proposal in detail, including potential benefits and outcomes.
Explain your interest in becoming a distributor or reseller, including relevant experience and market coverage.
Provide a detailed description of your complaint, including any relevant order or product information.
Provide detailed information or questions regarding your investor relations inquiry.
Describe the issue or misconduct you are reporting, including any specific details and evidence. | Jelaskan masalah atau pelanggaran yang Anda laporkan, termasuk rincian spesifik dan bukti yang ada.
Describe the purpose of your contact and any relevant details or questions you have. | Jelaskan tujuan Anda menghubungi Kami dengan detail yang relevan atau jelaskan pertanyaan yang Anda miliki.