This petition seeks to draw the attention of the Mildura Rural City Council to the intersection of Myall Street and Boobook Avenue in Cardross, a location historically linked to the tragic events known as the Cardross Tragedy.
Myall Street can be classified as a roadway measuring five meters in width, constructed from bituminous material and flanked by both gravel and grass verges.
In a criminal trial conducted in 2008, it was determined that this road, designated with a speed limit of 100 kilometres per hour, in fact presented significant safety concerns at its intersection with Boobook Avenue. Specifically, the curve length at this speed was measured at 240 meters, which is considerably shorter than the minimum requirement of 415 meters stipulated by rural road design recommendations – essentially, it was and still is, substandard.
In light of this consideration, it is important to note that there is an absence of signage indicating the curvature, with the only cue being the physical layout of the roadway itself.
Ultimately, now over eighteen years after this tragic incident, it is alarming that, despite the loss of six innocent teenagers which rocked the town to its absolute core, no measures have been implemented to address these underlying contributing factors.
We ask for;
- a reduction in speed limit to 80km per hour
- adequate signage indicating the intersection at both approaches
- a more suitable location approval for a memorial in honor of those we lost