Make a Housing Referral to Aves Housing
This form was updated on Mar22. Next review Mar23.
Our organisation currently accepts referrals for Adults with support needs.
Your client must: be 18-65 years old and have an active benefit claim.
18 to 24-year-old clients must be Care Leaver with a suitable support package
We ONLY accept referrals from homeless organisations or government agencies. You can make a referral by completing the online form below.
Do not refer without the correct NINO. for example referrals with AA000000A will not be accepted. A new referral will then be required.
Client Criteria
Your client must, in your view benefit from supported accommodation and be over 18. Referrals without Support Needs will not be processed.
The interview is a 5 stage process:
Stage 1. Your Referral Agent will make a referral and sent electronic copies of your Proof of identity, National Insurance number and Proof of Income
Stage 2. See some photos of the property to check if you like it
Stage 3. A telephone interview to assess suitability for our scheme
Stage 4. Complete a Housing Benefit Application and change your address on your Universal Credit Journal.
Stage 5. Move-in and complete a Risk Needs Support Assessment
As your application is processed or your clients record is updated you and your client will be notified by Email. There will normally be NO need to call us for updates. Future updates can continue at the request of the client.
We will then provide Tenancy Related Support for up to one year. Your client will be encouraged to save at the local Credit Union to cover the cost of move on at the end of the tenancy. We will only provide signpost support for your move on to independent accommodation.
Fair Access
We will aim to call your clients within one working day of you making the referral.
We will give priority to:
1. Councils and organisations on our Referral Framework
2. Clients with a disability Benefit UC LCWRA, ESA, or PIP
3. Clients with a Local Connection
There is no guarantee that your client will be offered Supported Accommodation as we only have 250 places including studio flats.
However, if you are on our Referral Framework and has a Local Connection then your client is more likely to be offered housing when a property becomes available.
There is a waiting list and we aim to call your client once a month to obtain an update on their current circumstances.
If your client does not have a phone number, a current benefit claim, ID, Proof of benefits, Proof of Bank account we will aim to contact them periodically to obtain an update.
Once they have all those details they will then be placed on a waiting list. When we have a vacancy they will be called for a face to face interview. At all stages when your client's record is updated you will get an automatic Email. You may also get telephone updates when issues arise.
Moving on Assistance.
Aves Housing Provide £30 to assist clients that complete their exit interview with there moving on.
Please take time to complete the feedback form so that we can improve our service to you and your clients
General Data Protection Regulation
Clients and Referal agents can see how we will use and protect their data by viewing the Data Protection Policy at