Parents and students should be sure to initial on the bottom of page 1 and twice on page 2, as well as sign at the end.
Fountainview Academy is pleased to provide network services for students, including networked academy computers and wireless internet. The network and the Internet are valuable educational tools. However, it must be understood that the Fountainview Academy email system and all network resources are the property of Fountainview Academy. Use of these systems and all resources on the Fountainview Academy network is a privilege, not a right, afforded to students of the academy. The Academy reserves the right to monitor and inspect all incoming and outgoing traffic (including email), to ensure that school policies are been maintained. The Academy’s systems should not be used for sensitive or personal information. Understand that no user of the Academy’s network service should have a reasonable expectation of privacy in anything created, sent, or received through the Academy’s system.
While at Fountainview Academy, you should not expect privacy of the contents of your personal computer or other media devices including, but not limited to, cell phones, iPods, external hard-drives, or your personal files on the school’s network. Personal computers and media devices will be routinely monitored, including any time the device has been off-campus. An individual search will be conducted if there is any suspicion that you have violated the Academy’s policies or the law. Designated staff have the right at any time to request to see the contents of your personal computer and media devices.
The following guidelines are intended to clarify the student’s responsibilities in using the Fountainview Academy network and personal media devices. In addition, the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) outlines standards and practices designed to protect the student and help ensure that all Fountainview Academy students have access to the network resources provided by the Academy.
If you have any questions about acceptable practices or any other issues regarding the use of the Academy’s network, you should contact the Information Systems Director or General Manager of Student Programs.