Fruit Haven Complaint Form
Complaints received will be forwarded to our complaint committee and saved in our form database for future reference, unless a mediation is requested, in which case we will refer the information to the mediator(s). There is currently no policy regarding access to these records as public, time until archive, or similar considerations; we suggest that someone check common legal practices and propose a policy based on that. We also need a policy regarding notification of the defendant. Finally, we need a policy for classification of complaints: Those with evidence, those without evidence or otherwise potentially frivolous, and those that seem to be a joke or spam entry, invented purely for harassment, etc.
First Name
Last Name
Are you an owner of property in the area of Fruit Haven? If so, which property?
Name(s) of person(s) you are complaining about:
Is the person you are complaining about a property owner, and if so, of which property?
Where do you reside now, and where did you reside at the time of the incident? (we aren't asking the location of the incident, just your residence at the time(s) that it happened.)
Type of complaint (Select other if not described here. Select all that apply.)
Harassment (online)
Harassment (in person)
Sexual harassment
Blackmail or extortion
Nuisance (material and demonstrable)
Incompetence or negligence in services provided
Defective product
Physical altercation or assault
Animal abuse or neglect
Immoral or degenerate behavior that reflects poorly on the community
Please explain the legal or statutory basis for your complaint
Violation of Fruit Haven community contract or other binding document
Violation of Ecuadorian law
Violation of ULEX law
Violation of common law
Violation of basic human rights
Date of incident
Date range (write a range here if not a single date)
Location of incident, if applicable:
Describe complaint
Is the activity in question in violation of a specific Fruit Haven bylaw? Or, is it in violation of Ecuadorian law? Please be as specific as possible.
Please upload any evidence you would like to include. 50MB max, send any additional evidence to using a file host such as
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Which type of mediation do you prefer? If both parties disagree, the default process will be with 3 mediators.
I do not require a mediation process at this point, I am simply reporting this for purposes of having the complaint on official record.
1 mediator working between both parties (voluntary process with binding agreement optional)
3 mediators, ULEX process (you pick one, the reported person picks one, and both mediators select a third; an agreement is then signed that this panel's decision is binding, with one appeal allowed, with re-selection of a new panel)
Who would you like to mediate?
Mediator compensation: Do you offer a monetary compensation to your proposed mediator for his/her time, and if so, how much? (Note that in single-mediator processes, a compensation will only be permitted with binding agreements, prepayment, and both parties agreeing to pay the single mediator the same amount.)
Date of complaint
Should be Empty: