Georgia Division of Family & Children Services
Prevention and Community Support
Out of School Services
Photo/Video Release Agreement
Dekalb County, Georgia
School/Organization Name: Girls Inc. of Greater Atlanta
1. I, the undersigned, consent and agree that still photographs, motion pictures, or television presentations in the form of either live or video tape may be made of myself, my child (ren) by the Georgia Division of Family and Children Services.
2. This release gives the Georgia Division of Family and Children Services the right to use the above-listed visual material in conjunction with the teaching, instruction, training, information, and education of employees of the Department or the general public.
3. Further, I hereby release the Georgia Division of Family and Children Services and forever discharge any claim of any nature against them as long as the material is used in compliance with the above-stated paragraph 2.
4. I grant this consent as (parent-guardian) a voluntary contribution in the interest of the said reasons listed in paragraph 2.
5. I understand this Photo/Video Release Agreement does not apply to children in foster care. I further understand if my child is in the foster care system within Georgia, they are not allowed to be photographed or included in motion pictures or television.