Nurse Practitioner (NP) Enrolment Waitlist
We know that many of you have been patiently awaiting a primary care provider (PCP), and despite our best efforts, we have been unable to attract enough physicians to accommodate the growing demand for care. Recognizing the significant number of patients on the waitlist, we have opened the enrollment option with the Nurse Practitioner (NP) at our clinic. This service is not covered by the Ministry of Health as the NP cannot bill OHIP. Interested patients who would like to enroll with a Nurse Practitioner (NP) should fill out this form. Separate forms should be filled for each individual (including minors).
This service is not covered by OHIP, and as a result is supported by an annual subscription of (+ admin fees + HST) per patient. This fee covers appointments, assessments, diagnostics, test orders, follow-ups, and medication prescriptions by the NP. An annual full physical examination (180$ - not covered by OHIP) would be complimentary with the subscription. Do you wish to proceed?
I understand that the purpose of disclosing this personal health information to GFHC is for streamlining the intake process. I understand that I can refuse to consent and provide the information, and that I can retract my consent at any point.
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Country of Birth
Phone Number (Cell)
Phone Number (Home)
Preferred Language
Complete Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
Postal Code
Current/Previous Occupation(s)
If retired, what was/were your previous occupation(s)?
Marital Status
Common Law
How many children do you have?
Who do you reside with?
Did you or do you currently have a family physician?
Please type your previous family physician's name if you had one and the reason for transfer. Eg. no family physician, family physician retired/retiring, family physician inaccessible or any other reason.
Family History
Are there any illnesses that run in your family? This includes parents,grandparents, siblings and children. Please LIST and SPECIFY which familymembers affected (e.g. Mother - High blood pressure, Father - Colon cancer)
Past Medical History
Please LIST any medical conditions you have been diagnosed with? (e.g. Type 2 diabetes, High blood pressure, Asthma, Depression, etc.)
Surgical History - (Have you ever had surgery?)
Please SPECIFY the procedure, the YEAR it was completed, and the NAME of the surgeon.
Obstetrical History (Only if applicable)
Please indicate the number of pregnancies and number of live births.
Dosage of All Medications (Please include the MEDICATION NAME, DOSE, and FREQUENCY of administration)
(e.g. Amlodipine 5mg - take 1 tablet once daily). This includes prescribed and over-the-counter medications, creams, herbs or supplements.
If you smoke, how many cigarettes per day and how many years have you smoked for?
N/A if not applicable
If you are an ex-smoker, how many cigarettes per day on average, how many years did you smoke for, and what year did you stop?
(e.g. Quit in 2010 and smoked 1 pack per day for 20 years). N/A if not applicable
If you drink alcohol, how often, and how many drinks per sitting?
(e.g. 2 glasses of wine per week). N/A if not applicable
Do you use recreational drugs?
(e.g. cannabis/marijuana, heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, etc.)? If yes, please indicate name of recreational drug, Quantity used, how often do you use it and how do you administer them? (e.g. Cannabis 2 joints per week 0.5-1g per week). N/A if not applicable
Medication Allergies (Please include the MEDICATION NAME that you are allergic to and what REACTION happens if you take it?)
(e.g. Penicillin – Rash, Throat swelling). N/A if not applicable
How many hours per week do you exercise?
(e.g. running - 4 hours per week). N/A if not applicable
Depression screen
Over the last 2 weeks, have you felt low in mood, hopeless or depressed?
Do you have private health insurance?
(e.g. through work or private insurance company)
Preferred pharmacy
Please type the NAME and ADDRESS of the pharmacy you would be using and would like to have on your chart.
You are all done! Press submit to finish.
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