Girl Scouts welcomes and serves girls and families from a wide spectrum of cultures and values. In order to be responsive to girls’ needs, some Girl Scout activities focus on subjects that may be considered sensitive or controversial in nature. There is no definitive list of sensitive issues but possible examples include substance abuse, child abuse, puberty/human sexuality, violence, youth suicide, and religion.
Your girl and her troop/group are planning to participate in a program or event which includes potentially sensitive issues. Participation in this program or event is optional and written permission from a parent or guardian is required for each girl who will participate. If you would like to participate in or be present at the program or event, or if you have questions, please contact your girl's troop leader.
Prior to completing this form, your troop leader or the program coordinator should have provided you with an overview of the topics to be presented or a description of the planned activities.
A copy of this form will automatically be emailed to your troop leader, so please ensure you have entered the correct email address. Please note that Girl Scouts, Hornets' Nest Council does not retain a record of the information submitted in this form. This form can also be printed and submitted to your troop leader in person if you prefer.