When a troop disbands/retires, troop volunteers are responsible for notifying GSNEO by completing this Troop Disbandment/Retirement Form. (Disbanding/Retiring troops must complete the annual finance report by the set deadline- 2nd Wednesday in June.)
Girls may elect how to spend remaining funds for the purpose of Girl Scouting by the end of the current membership year (September 30).
Appropriate examples include:
- Final celebration event or trip;
- Membership renewal or Lifetime Membership purchase if graduating senior troop;
- Donating funds to another troop or the service unit;
- Donating funds or purchasing items for a 501(c)(3) organization/cause of the girls' choice.
Funds cannot be dispersed to individual girls or adults as cash or gift cards.
Unspent funds should be divided equally to troops receiving girls from the disbanded troop, to the Juliette account for girls continuing as Juliettes, and/or to GSNEO for girls not continuing. Leaders should transfer funds (check or cashier's check recommended) to troops receiving girls before closing bank account. Funds for girls continuing as Juliettes or not continuing in Girl Scouts should be disclosed on the disband form, and then a cashier's check including troop number should be sent to:
Girl Scouts of North East Ohio
Attn: Coordinator, Audits & Accounting
1 Girl Scout Way
Macedonia, OH 44056
Funds from a disbanding troop will be held by GSNEO for a period of one year after date of the disbandment notification for the purpose of girls returning to Girl Scouting. After one year, funds are used to support GSNEO Girl Scouts through financial aid, Scoutship, etc.
As stated in Fund Ownership policy, equipment purchased with Girl Scout funds are the property of GSNEO and not the personal property of any individual. Equipment belonging to a disbanding troop may be donated to another troop or the service unit (e.g. tents, gear).
Disbanding/Retiring troops must still comply with our records retention policy (page 20).