HandMADE Montana is excited to offer wholesale buyers like yourself an opportunity to connect with local & regional artists at the 2022 Bozeman Fall MADE fair on October 14-15 at the Brick Breeden Fieldhouse. Here are a few details for checking out the show:
October 14
5pm-6pm: Wholesaler Check-in
Registration and pick up of wholesale packet that includes badge and list of participating artists.
6pm-8pm: VIP Friday Preview & Wholesale Event Opens
Shop the show along with others participating in the VIP Friday night event. Customers purchase a $10 pass to shop the show early as a fundraiser for American Prairie. As a wholesale buyer, we are waiving this fee, but you are welcome to donate.
October 15
9 am- 10 am: Early Bird Pass
Customers can purchase a $5 pass (benefits American Prairie) to get a head start on shopping and registered wholesale accounts are also invited to shop during this time.
10 am-4 pm: MADE fair open to all for Free