2025 HVM Vendor Application
Welcome! * Please note, if you are interested in applying for both markets, it is not guaranteed you'll be accepted into both* Our 2025 Market Days are October 4 & December 6. To streamline our application process, this application is for ALL 2025 HVM markets. Please specify which market you are applying for below. Each applicant will be notified by March 31, with an acceptance or waitlist option. All markets are hosted in the Main Expo Center, at the Hamilton County Fairgrounds Noblesville IN 46060.
Which HVM are you applying for?
Please Select
HVM Fall October 4, 2025
HVM Christmas December 6, 2025
I'd like to be considered for BOTH
Business Name
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Business Address
Business Category
Please Select
Boutique Clothing
Children's Boutique
Children's Toys/ Accessories
Fiber Arts
Fine Arts
Food/Drink Truck
Hair Accessories
Handmade Clothing, Children's
Handmade Clothing, Women's
HBV Food
Home Decor
Men's Items
Stationary/Paper goods
Wood items, handmade
We try our best to create a diverse shopping experience for our guests, so we limit the number of vendors we accept into each category. Please select the best option for your business. You may only check one box. We don't accept MLM vendors.
*Booth fees are listed in the drop-down box below* Booth Size Preference: Our booth fees cover one single business booth on Saturday. This includes folding tables and chairs if you need them. Note about booth sizes: 10'x5' -A single table set up. 10x10, can accommodate 2-3 six foot tables. 10x15 , a 1.5 booth option, a little extra space for an extra table. 10x20, good for a U shape, accommodates about 4-5 tables. 10x30, this is a unique L shape booth, great position to use multiple displays(only 4 avail).
Please Select
10'x10' - $200
10’x15’- $300
10'x20'- $400
10'x30'- $500
Description of your Business. What will you display at HVM?
Social Media Links (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) If you do not have social media, we highly encourage you to create one. It's a great way for us to tag your business as we promote the market.
Share with HVM an image of your brand/products.
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
We take pride in creating a market filled with well branded, intentionally thought out booths. Please provide us with a photo of your booth space. If you do not have one, please provide a product photo that showcases your brand.
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
How did you hear about HVM?
Below are the terms and conditions we kindly ask all vendors to comply with. Please check each box after reading each one. Note: All terms must be agreed upon to be considered as a vendor for HVM.
I understand that market setup is Friday(Oct.3 & Dec.5) and that my booth must be set up on Friday unless otherwise discussed.
I understand that submitting this application does not mean that I am approved into the market. Each applicant will be notified of acceptance/waitlist by March 31.
I understand that once I am approved into the market, in the case of cancelation, my full booth fee is refundable prior to August 1,2025. I understand that my booth fee is NON-REFUNDABLE after August 1, 2025, with no exceptions.
I understand that my acceptance into the market is non-transferable to any of the other HVM events hosted as each market undergoes a new application process and jury.
By checking this box, I am electronically signing the HVM Vendor Contract, that will go in effect upon submitting this application.
Should be Empty: