As required by the Privacy Regulations, Haven Health & Wellness, may not use or disclose your protected health information except as provided in our Notice of Privacy Practices without your authorization.
I hereby authorize Haven Health & Wellness and any of its employees to use or disclose my Client Health Information to the following person(s), entity(s), or business associates of this office:
- Client's Physician or Health Care Provider (if applicable)
I understand that the information disclosed above may be re-disclosed to additional parties and no longer protected for reasons beyond our control.
I understand I have the right to:
1. Revoke this authorizatiton by sending written notice to Haven Health and Wellness and that revocation will not affect this company's previous reliance in the use or disclosure pursuant to this authorization.
2. Have knowledge of any remuneration involved due to any marketing activity as allowed by this authorization, and as a result of this authorization.
3. Inspect a copy of Client's Health Information being used or disclosed under federal law.
4. Refuse to sign this authorization, however by doing so, we will not be able to provide our services.
5. Receive a copy of this authorization.
6. Restrict what is disclosed with this authorization.