This Confidentiality Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between Henry's Home, Horse and Human Sanctuary (“The Sanctuary”) and the undersigned individual (“Signatory”), who serves as a Volunteer, Board Member, Staff member, Vendor, or Independent Contractor at the Sanctuary.
This Agreement's purpose is to ensure that confidential and sensitive information regarding the Sanctuary, its residents, operations, volunteers, board members, staff, vendors, contractors, donors, and other connected individuals and entities is protected and not disclosed without proper authorization. Your cooperation is essential in maintaining trust and the integrity of our organization.
Confidential information refers to any non-public information related to the Sanctuary, its operations, or its personnel, including but not limited to:
- Personal information about staff, volunteers, board members, vendors, and contractors.
- Details about the horses or other animals in the Sanctuary’s care, including medical histories, behavioral challenges, and rehabilitation plans.
- Financial information, including donor contributions, budgets, and expenses.
- Sanctuary policies, internal procedures, and training materials.
- Strategic plans, fundraising initiatives, vendor agreements, and partnership details.
- Incident reports or information concerning accidents, injuries, or other sensitive events.
- Any other proprietary or confidential data not disclosed for public knowledge.
By signing this Agreement, the undersigned agrees to the following responsibilities:
- Maintain the confidentiality of all information defined in this Agreement.
- Access and use confidential information solely for authorized purposes about the Sanctuary’s operations or in the execution of related duties.
- Avoid discussing confidential information in public settings or with individuals not authorized to receive such information.
- Immediately report any suspected breaches of confidentiality to the appropriate Sanctuary leadership.
- Destroy or return any documents, records, or materials containing confidential information upon termination of duties, contract, or as otherwise instructed by the Sanctuary.
The following actions are strictly prohibited under this Agreement:
- Sharing confidential information with unauthorized individuals, organizations, or media outlets.
- Using confidential information for personal gain or in any way that may harm the Sanctuary, its residents, personnel, or reputation.
- Removing or sharing Sanctuary property, including files, records, or equipment, without authorization.
Any breach of this Agreement may result in termination of volunteer duties, board membership, employment, or vendor/contractor agreements, as applicable. The Sanctuary also reserves the right to pursue legal action if the breach harms its operations, reputation, or residents.
This Agreement will remain in effect for the duration of the Signatory’s relationship with the Sanctuary. It will continue indefinitely after the relationship ends concerning any confidential information acquired during the tenure.