Swim Ireland is creating a panel of qualified and experienced Swimming Teacher and Coaches available to support the delivery of programmes around Ireland.
Purpose of the Panel:
As part of our Strategic Plan 2022-26. Swim Ireland is emphasising the focus on increasing the number of people taking part in the aquatics across Ireland and creating ‘An Island of Swimmers’.
We have been successful in receiving funding from Sport Ireland through Dormant Accounts (Community) and Healthy Ireland (Schools) and have staff dedicated to rolling out programmes.
To support more people to be more active we need teachers and coaches to support the delivery of both indoor and outdoor programmes on an ad-hoc basis.
Our target groups include:
- Women/Teenage Girls
- Older Adults
- People with a Disability
- Youth at Risk
- Schools
- Ethnic minorities
Person Specification
We welcome expressions of interest from all levels of teaching/ coaching qualifications. Individuals with qualifications external to Swim Ireland will be supported with achieving recognition of equivalency.
All individuals delivering Swim Ireland programmes will be required to completed vetting with Swim Ireland and have an active Safeguarding Level 1 credential (Sport Ireland/ Swim Ireland).
The Teacher/ Coach panel does not constitute an offer of employment, individuals will invoice for services provided.