Program Description
Calling 13-17 year olds who have an interest in nature and developing their wilderness skills. We are offering a program that will strengthen your teen's skills and develop their awareness of nature. This program is a mix of overnight trips and weekend classes. The program will start and end with a campout. There will be 2-4 Saturday classes from 9:30-3:30 pm in between these camping trips.
All participants will be expected to join in the initial overnight campout and closing two night campout. Spring Campouts will be on April 26-27 and June 13-15. Teens will meet for Saturday sessions in between these campouts to learn skills, hike, and enjoy time in nature.
Important Dates for Spring Session
Overnight Campout: April 26-27 Friday 5 pm- Saturday 12 pm
Saturday Sessions- Participants can choose 2-4 Saturdays to work on their skills.
Saturday, May 10- 9:30-3:30
Saturday, May 17- 9:30-3:30
Saturday, May 24- 9:30-3:30
Saturday, June 7- 9:30-3:30
Final 2 Night Campout: June 13-15 Friday 5 pm- Sunday 11 am