Thank you for your interest in participating in the My First Books program with your local library.
My First Books is sponsored by Read to Me, a program from the Idaho Commission for Libraries, a state agency. Books and program materials are funded with state funds, as well as funds from the Institute of Museum and Library Services.
In order to be considered as a partner for the 2024 - 2025 school year, please provide the information requested in the form below and sign in acknowledgment of the partner requirements. (No private information about individual children or families will be collected, and any information obtained from this form will remain confidential; information is used to ensure program eligibility, as well as your understanding of all program requirements.)
Once submitted, this information will be sent to your library partner, who will transfer your enrollment information to their official application. They must submit their application no later than April 20, 2024. Note: Your public library partner cannot submit their application in full until this partner info form is submitted. Failure to submit the following information before this date may jeopardize your eligibility to participate in the program for the upcoming year.
A copy of your submission will also be sent to the Idaho Commission for Libraries in order to ensure a signed copy of your submission is on file with the library's application.
To learn more about the My First Books program, visit our My First Books program website.
If you have questions about this process please contact