The financial section of the report requests the original grant amount, actual expenditures, unspent balance, and includes a place to upload receipts and other documentation. Your receipts and documentation must total or exceed the full grant award amount. Unused grant funds must be spent immediately or returned to the ICfL. If you have questions about eligible or ineligible expenses, documentation requirements, or need to obtain your original grant agreement please email
A. Allowable Expenditures. A grantee may only use program funds for allowable costs, as defined in the federal grant funds Uniform Guidance (2 C.F.R. Part 200), which includes the requirement that costs be reasonable and necessary for the accomplishment of program objectives.
The following is an abbreviated list of allowable grant expenses. It is not intended to be exhaustive or exclusive. Applicants should contact the ICfL if they are unsure if their proposed idea/expenditure is allowable.1. Books for youth presenting a variety of viewpoints and subjects, which support diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. If the full grant amount is spent on books, the library must conduct an audit of their existing materials before making purchases.
1. Books for youth presenting a variety of viewpoints and subjects, which support diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts. If the full grant amount is spent on books, the library must conduct an audit of their existing materials before making purchases.
2. Materials and supplies to support the diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts of the library including those that increase access for children with disabilities such as assistive technology, activity materials, sensory kits, bookmarks, posters, and signs. Furniture is allowable if specifically intended to increase access for underserved youth who do not currently have the equipment/means necessary to access library services.
3. Training and education costs for staff, including books and related travel expenses. Costs must be directly related to the purpose and successful fulfillment of this grant.
4. Professional and consultant services such as those for translation, guest speakers, or facilitators that support the purposes of the grant.
5. Services to increase accessibility of library services such as those used for technological connectivity and subscriptions. Grant funds may only be used to pay for services provided during the grant period.
6. Advertising or publicity specifically related to the grant such as publishing dates and times of activities or informing the public of the library's resources related to the grant.
B. Non-Allowable Expenditures. The following is an abbreviated list of non-allowable grant expenses. It is not intended to be exhaustive or exclusive. Applicants should contact the ICfL if they are unsure if a cost is allowable. The following items are not allowable grant expenses:
1. Food and beverages. Food is allowable if used primarily as a supply in a learning activity.
2. Capital expenditures related to the purchase of real property, buildings, or motor vehicles.
3. Construction expenditures related to the improvement or expansion of buildings and facilities.
4. Advertising or publicity not related directly to the programs carried out through the grant.
5. Promotional items and memorabilia, including models, gifts, and souvenirs.
6. General purpose supplies and materials including technology, which is not specifically intended to serve children who currently lack access to library resources due to personal or familial barriers. Assistive technology and equipment is allowable.
7. Costs of entertainment, including amusement, diversion, and social activities and any associated costs are unallowable, except where specific costs that might otherwise be considered entertainment have a programmatic purpose, which is library specific, and are pre-approved in the grant application/agreement budget.