The ICUBP offers:
- Hour verifications & certificates:
- Minimum Requirement for Verifier: 30 hours minimum each semester requested and good standing with program
- Minimum Requirement for Certificate: 50 hours
- Minimum Processing time: 2 weeks
- Along with your verification, you will receive a certificate with your name and number of hours committed, signed by the co-founders of the ICUBP and the appropriate hospital volunteer office coordinator.

- Reference letter: The letter will honestly (good or bad) reflect your contributions to the ICUBP and community. As such, depending on the level of involvement, this letter may be general and non-specific. Note that volunteers will not have the opportunity to review the letter prior to it being sent.
- Minimum Requirement: 75 hours & 2 semesters
- Minimum Processing time: 4 weeks
- We will require 3 up-to-date documentation and information:
- CV (max 2 page PDF): Use our provided template (
- Letter of Intent (max 1 page PDF): Discuss your:
- Memorable experiences as a volunteer and connection to the program.
- Characteristics that would make you a good fit for the position/program to which you are applying.
- Contact information regarding the recipients (max 3 entities): name of school/employer, emails, necessary URLs, deadlines, etc.
Please do not fill out this form if you know you do not meet all the criteria for your request.
The ICUBP reserves the right to refuse verifiers/certificates/letter requests.
If you have any questions, please email us:
Good standing means: Reporting your abscences diligently to your partner and facebook hospital groups, keeping hospital representatives informed of long abscences, attempting to make up shifts when shifts are missed.