Thank you for entering the Design & Branding category of The Gin Guide Awards 2025. This category celebrates exceptional aesthetics, concepts, stories, presentation, trade and consumer experiences, and delivery of brand objectives.
Information & Details:
Please concisely complete the relevant fields below. Your entry may apply to your wider brand and portfolio or an individual product. You may submit your entry information to rather than using the below form if desired. Please also save your information in the case of the unlikely event of a browser error or form timeout.
Each field is limited to a maximum of 350 words. Please focus on design and branding elements and initiatives which are already in place or actively in progress, rather than potential or future initiatives.
The sections of the form are:
- Target Audience, Strategy & Objectives
- Bottles & Labelling
- Packaging & Merchandise
- (If applicable) Physical Brand Experiences
Photographs / Imagery:
At the end of the form you may upload up to 8 photographs or images to support your entry. Alternatively, up to 8 images may be sent to, rather than using the below form. WeTransfer and Dropbox links cannot be accepted.
If you have any questions or queries, please contact