USM is now offering a tuition fee discount to all alumni and alumni's offspring. This privillege is applicable to all new students who register from October 2020 (Semester 1, Academic Session 2020/2021).
Discounted rate for total tuition fee: Alumni - 10% & Alumni offspring - 5%
How does this work?
i. Applicants are required to fill up all the required information in this form.
ii. After submitting this form, IPS will do the checking on alumni/alumni's offspring status within same day or next working day (if receive after office hours).
iii. Applicants will be notified via email regarding discount application status.
i. If you are an alumni and also an alumni offspring, you will be given one highest rate only.
ii. Scholarship recipients are not entitled for discount, hence no need to submit this form.
iii. Students under special category program like offshore program are not entitled for discount.
Important Notes:
i. Research mode students can apply for discount two days before your expected registration date and make sure to submit your registration request first at
Pelajar mod penyelidikan boleh memohon diskaun dua hari sebelum tarikh jangkaan mendaftar dan sila pastikan anda telah hantar permohonan untuk mendaftar terlebih dahulu di
ii. Please also check your SPAM/Junk inbox for auto replies from this application.