I/we understand that:
- agility training is an activity that is held in the presence of other dogs and their owners/handlers
- the participation of my dog and myself in the agility training will require some physical activity on my part and on the part of my dog
- this activity will involve running among obstacles on my part, and running, jumping, and the use of obstacles such as tunnels, scaling planks and walls, teeter totters, jumps, tires, and other obstacles which could result in injury to me, to my dog, or to others.
I/we agree, represent, and warrant:
1) That I am/we are in good health and can perform the physical activities necessary.
2) That my dog is in good health and can perform the physical activities necessary.
3) That my dog and I/we are both in physical condition to participate in the sport of dog agility.
4) That I/we further represent that my dog is friendly and not a hazard to persons or other dogs. I/we agree to take any steps requested by my instructor, the class coordinator or the training director if they feel that my dog is a hazard to persons or other dogs.
5) That I/we further agree to keep my dog under control at all times, to carefully watch him at all times when he is not confined to a crate or other similar device, and not to allow him to interfere with the participation of others in classes and other club activities.
6) That I/we understand that I/we and my dog are participating at my/our own risk, and that Jumping Chollas Agility Club cannot in any way assume any responsibility for the health or safety or myself or my dog(s).
7) That I/we will not hold Jumping Chollas Agility Club, its Board of Directors and officers, the Owner(s) of the training sites, the agility instruction staff, or any other persons or entities associated with Jumping Chollas Agility Club liable for any loss, injury, illness, expense or other incident or hardship that may arise in connection with my participation and/or my dog’s participation in the activity.
8) That I/we further agree to assume full responsibility and liability for any and all injury or damage caused in any way by my dog(s) or myself. That I further agree to reimburse any person for any damage that I or my dog does or cause to another person, dog, equipment, or personal or business property.
I/we understand that, as a student or instructor training with Jumping Chollas, I have an obligation to help with equipment. In particular, if I/we attend the first class of the morning or evening, I/we must arrive at the designated time and help set up the equipment. I/we must help change jump heights during class. If I/we come to the late class, I/we must stay after class and help put the equipment away.