2024 YF&R County Activity Questionnaire
Please complete the questionnaire about your county's YF&R program activity over the past year (December 2023- November 2024). Each county's activities will be evaluated with a standard point system and scores will be used to determine which counties qualify for the YF&R Activity Award to be presented at the SCFB Annual Meeting. Please be prepared to explain your answers.
Full Name
How many YF&R's have participated in your county YF&R program over the last year (December 2023-November 2024):
Membership Information
(Question 1 is for information purposes only)
Select below if your County President (or his/her representative) did the following: Select all that apply
Appointed a new YF&R Chair this Year
Appointed a YF&R Committee that did not previously exist
Had the YF&R Chair serve on the County Board of Directors
Had the Chair serve as voting member of the County Board of Directors
Select below if any YF&R members from your county or County YF&R Chair did the following:
Held at least two meetings during the year
Set goals and developed a plan of work for the year
Had a board approved budget for any YF&R activities during the year
Prepared or gave a YF&R report for your county annual meeting
Attended meetings of the County Board of Directors
Attended YF&R Meetings with another county(ies)
Helped PLAN a meeting or event with another county(ies)
Please list what counties you have collaborated with this year (if any):
Did your county YF&R program grow in the number of participants involved this year?
If yes, by how many?
Did any of the participants in your County YF&R program become a new Farm Bureau member since December 2023?
Did any YF&R's from your county participate in efforts to recruit and retain Farm Bureau members?(examples: attend FFA Chapter or Collegiate Farm Bureau chapter meetings, host a membership drive or member appreciation event, etc.)
If yes, Please explain?
Are at least 3 members of your county YF&R group members of the YF&R Facebook group and following the South Carolina Farm Bureau Facebook page?
Does your County YF&R program have a separate Facebook group or other group forum/media outside of the state level groups?
Did you or any YF&R's in your county participate in the following State or National level YF&R Programming in 2023? Check all that apply.
SCFB YF&R Day at the Statehouse
SCFB Collegiate Farm Bureau Events
SCFB YF&R Discussion Meet Training Zoom Calls
SCBF YF&R District Meetings
AFBF YF&R Connect Calls
Was your county represented at the 2024 SCFB YF&R Conference in Columbia?
If yes, how many in attendance?
Did any YF&R members from your county submit an application for the following YF&R Competitive Events:
Achievement Award
Excellence in Agriculture Award
Discussion Meet
Were any of the following invited to any YF&R functions in your county?
State YF&R Committee Chair
State YF&R Committee District Representative
SCFB State Staff
Did your County YF&R group, or any of your YF&R members, contribute an item to the Silent Auction at the SCFB Annual Meeting in Myrtle Beach in 2023?
Did any YF&R's from your county volunteer in any capacity at the SCFB Annual Meeting in Myrtle Beach in 2023?
Please Select
Voting Delegate
Women's Activities (Farmers Market & Country Store, Silent Auction, ect)
SCFB Annual Golf Benefit
*If Other, Please explain
Did any YF&Rs from your county attend the AFBF Annual Convention in Salt Lake City, Utah in January 2024?
If yes, how many in attendance?
Did any YF&R's from your county attend the AFBF Young Farmer & Rancher Leadership Conference in Omaha, Nebraska in March 2024 ?
If yes, how many in attendance?
Did any YF&R's from your county work on any Ag Literacy (ag-education or consumer education) activities or events since December 2023?
If yes, please describe:
Did any YF&R's from your county work with a local school to submit a Learn-to-Farm Mini-Grant application this year?
Have any YF&R's from your county organized and/or participated in a Harvest for All activity?
Do you or any YF&R's in your county have plans to organize a Harvest for All activity before December? (Due Dec. 31)
Did any YF&R's from your county participate in promoting products or services available through Farm Bureau (outside of your/their own business)? Ex: Farm Bureau Products Program (tires, pumps, batteries, blades, etc) or Member Benefits partners like Case IH, Grainger, John Deer, etc.
If yes, how were Farm Bureau products and services promoted?
Social Media
In Person
Did any YF&R's from your county or County FB donate to any of the following 501(c)(3) charitable organizations under the Farm Bureau umbrella:
SCFB Education Foundation (scholarships)
SCFB Agricultural Aid Foundation
SC Ag in the Classroom Fund
None of the Above
Did you or any YF&R's from your county partner with any other organizations during the year to promote agriculture? (Example: FFA, County Fair, businesses, etc)
If yes, please list:
Did any YF&R members in your county participate in any legislative advocacy activities?(Select all that apply)
Respond to SCFB or AFBF Action Alerts
Attend forums, hearings, or public meetings to represent the voice of agriculture
Make personal contact with Legislators regarding Ag Issues
Participate in legislative advocacy via social media
Participate in the SCFB Campaign School
Host a meeting or event for elected officials at the local level
If Other, please specify:
Did your YF&R Committee Chair and/or committee members attend the following:
District Policy Development Meeting
District/State Legislative Update Meetings
Did any YF&R's in your county initiate or participate in any specific initiatives or activities that you would like to report on?
If yes, please explain below.
If yes, were any of the events listed above new events for your county?
Please explain the general YF&R involvement in your County. Is it growing? Weakening? Changing? Becoming more or less organized over time? Or other comments?
Should be Empty: