Frequently Asked Questions
What is J Drugs' relationship with OSRUI?
J Drugs is an independent pharmacy selected by OSRUI to provide camp medication services.
Billing & Insurance
How is my insurance billed?
J Drugs bills your insurance directly. Co-pays, deductibles, and uncovered medications are charged to your credit card. Most major prescription plans are accepted.
How much does this service cost?
OSRUI covers the $20 per camper service fee for packaging and delivery if medications are ordered on time. Late orders incur a $20 fee plus a $25 rush charge.
How will I be charged?
You will be billed directly by J Drugs.
Medications & Packaging
How are medications packaged?
Medications are sealed in strip packs labeled with your child’s name, DOB, medication details, and administration time. Liquids, inhalers, and creams are packaged separately. Please order liquids only if chewable or melt-away alternatives are unavailable.
Can J Drugs package over-the-counter (OTC) medications?
Yes. Check the "Over the Counter" box on the Medication Order Form. OTC medications will be packaged with any prescription meds taken at the same time.
Can J Drugs supply vitamins and supplements?
Yes. J Drugs offers a range of supplements, but cannot package gummy vitamins.
What if J Drugs doesn’t carry my child’s supplement?
J Drugs cannot repackage outside vitamins, herbals, or supplements. However, they offer a full line of branded alternatives.
Prescription Medications
Will I pay more for prescriptions through J Drugs?
No. Costs are the same as your local pharmacy. Insurance co-pays and deductibles apply.
● J Drugs accepts NYS Medicaid and all Major insurances (with the exception of Optum/United Healthcare plans) at this time.
Those with Optum/United Healthcare plans will be offered 2 options:
- a low cash price will be charged, which in many cases may be lower than
current copays
- or you may fill the prescription elsewhere and ship the medication to J Drugs for repackaging
Please call for details
Will J Drugs dispense brand-name or generic medications?
J Drugs dispenses generics unless the doctor specifies "Brand Only." Many insurance plans only cover generics. Let your doctor and J Drugs know if you require a brand-name medication.
What if my child takes a different dose on alternate days?
The prescription must specify the exact dosing schedule for proper packaging.
Controlled Medications
What if my child takes a controlled medication (e.g., Adderall, Concerta)?
Doctors must send an electronic or original prescription in advance.
- June 16 – July 13 campers: Prescription must state "Camp Supply Effective 6/16/25 or 7/1/25."
- July 13 – August 10 campers: Prescription must state "Camp Supply Effective 7/13/25 or 8/06/25."
- Full Summer campers: Two prescriptions are required, one effective 6/16/25 and another 7/13/25.
Timing & Late Orders
When are medications dispensed at camp?
Typically at meals and bedtime. Please ensure prescriptions specify timing. Non-essential meds (vitamins, 24-hour antihistamines) should be taken at lunch or dinner.
What if my child’s prescription changes after the deadline?
J Drugs will accommodate late changes. Backup medications may be required, and additional shipping fees may apply. If changes are likely, submit your Medication Order Form by the deadline with a note about pending adjustments.
What happens if I order late?
Late orders incur an expedited fee and shipping costs. To ensure medications arrive on time, register by:
- May 1st for campers starting June 16 or July 1
- June 1st for campers starting July 13 or August 6
What if my child is at camp for more than a month?
Most prescriptions can be written with refills. For controlled substances, two separate 30-day prescriptions are required.
What happens to extra medications if my child leaves camp early?
Unused medications will be sent home with your child.
Special Circumstances
We have a 90-day prescription plan or mandatory mail order. Can we use J Drugs?
Yes, with proper planning. Contact J Drugs as soon as possible.