New Guest Color Survey:
Hi, I'm Jolene! I'm so excited to work with you on your journey to finding the perfect hair for your lifestyle! I've created this initial color consultation as a quick way to analyze your current hair and goal hair to aid in the decision of which new guest service option to schedule. After completing this form, you'll hear back from me within 24 hours (Monday-Friday, all submissions sent Sat-Sun will be reviewed on Monday). I will send you a quick overview of which new client service option would be right for you! If you desire a more in-depth analysis or have more questions of the process we can discuss that via email. Now if you're ready, let's get started!
Full Name
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
How did you hear about me?
Please Select
If referral, by whom?
Your last hair color was done:
1-2 months ago
3-4 months ago
5+ months ago
I've never colored my hair
How would you describe the density (how many hairs are on your head) of your hair?
Low Density (pony tail diameter 2 inches or under)
Medium Density (pony tail diameter 2 - 3 inches)
High Density (pony tail diameter 4 or more inches)
How would you describe your hair? (Select all that apply)
Curly and/or Wavy
What have you done to your hair color in the past 3 years?
Have your previous colors been done professionally or with a box color, any at home color?
Do you presently have any hair or scalp issues?
Bald spots
Scalp irritation
None of the above
What do you currently love about your hair?
What do you currently dislike about your hair?
How often are you willing to come back to the salon for maintenance?
Every 1-2 months
Every 3-4 months
Every 5-6 months or more
How much time can you commit to your hair color session?
1-2 hours
3-4 hours
I'm fine with however long it takes/no time limit
What is most important to you?
Getting to my goal as quickly was possible
Maintaining the integrity of my hair
Losing as little length as possible
Please select all you are wanting to get done
Go lighter
Go darker
Add dimension (highlights and/or lowlights)
Balance uneven color
Gray coverage
Go cooler/ashier
Go warmer/richer or more golden
What are your top concerns or priorities for our session together?
Date you are looking to get in on or before?
Ideal time of day for your appointment (select all that apply)
10am - 1pm
Add a full headshot photo of your hair from the front, no filters and in natural shaded lighting (no direct sunlight please). Photo from the FRONT, example above!
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Add a full headshot photo of your hair from the back, no filters and in natural shaded lighting (no direct sunlight please). Photo from the BACK, example above!
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Upload up to 3 photos of your hair goal
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
I understand that this is a general consultation intake form designed so Jolene can help me choose which New Guest Service option that I'm best suited for. I understand that if I desire a more thorough explanation of the coloring process, or a detailed analysis of my current hair I will need to schedule an in-person consultation. I understand that by submitting this form it does not guarantee that my goal hair can be achieved in one session. I understand that average wait time to get on the schedule for a New Client Service is about 2-6 weeks. I understand that initial average investment of my first appointment ranges from $170-$450 and maintenance/session appointments range from $120-$275 depending on current hair, goal hair, and required upkeep.Sign below and click the submit button.
Should be Empty: