2024 Scholarship Application for High School Seniors
The attached application is for the Kankakee County Farm Bureau® Foundation Scholarship in the amount of $1,500 and may be renewable for subsequent years. This application is for high school seniors. If you are not a high school senior, please request a different application. As an additional bonus, each scholarship recipient will be awarded a one year complimentary PM (professional member) Farm Bureau membership. To be eligible for consideration, an applicant must:- Be a resident of Kankakee County, Illinois, OR a Kankakee County Farm Bureau member family- Be a high school senior and accepted at an accredited post-secondary school to study in an agriculture related field. The criteria for awarding the scholarship are as follows:- Demonstrated interest in agriculture- Character and personality(1) Maturity(2) Industriousness and motivation(3) Intellectual interest(4) Moral character(5) Demonstrated leadership(6) Service- Academic performance and honors- Financial need Applications must be received at the Kankakee County Farm Bureau office by March 31, 2024. If chosen as a recipient, the scholarship funds will be disbursed to the recipient upon successful completion of the first grading period with a “C” grade point average or better and must be a registered full time student at his or her educational institution. If chosen as a scholarship recipient, an official grade transcript from the post-secondary school will be required and must be received by (or postmarked by) March 1, 2024, or the scholarship will be forfeited. Final judgement of applications and qualifications will be at the discretion of the Foundation board.
First Name
Last Name
Date of Birth
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Father's name in full
First Name
Last Name
Mother's name in full
First Name
Last Name
Educational Information
Name of High School Attended
Year Graduated
Ranking in Graduation Class
Current GPA out of 4.0 or 5.0
Graduate Date
What high school academic awards have your received?
List the student activities in which you participate(d) in high school. Indicate offices and positions of leadership you held as well as any honors you received based on your participation.
List the community activities (not directly connected with high school) in which you have participated. Indicate offices and positions of leadership you have held as well as any honors you have received based on your participation.
Describe any employment experiences you have had during school or during summer vacations.
Briefly summarize your experience or interest in agriculture.
What hobbies or special interest do you have?
Academic Plans
List of Colleges/Universities/vocational school you will attend - please list the complete name and city where the school is located:
Briefly state what your major field of study in high education will be. Please link this field of study to your planned career path.
Why do you feel you should be awarded a Kankakee County Farm Bureau Foundation Scholarship?
Financial Information
Since financial need is one factor in selecting the recipient of the Kankakee County Farm Bureau Foundation Scholarship, the following information will help the Scholarship Review Committee in its deliberations. The information is strictly confidential and will only be reviewed by the Foundation Board and Scholarship Review Committee.
Will you need to work during the school year to support your education?
Do you intend to work during the summer?
If so, what type of work will you seek?
Do you have a scholarship or tuition waiver?
If so, for each award, please indicate the name and value of such.
Approximately what percentage of you post-secondary education expenses will you personally be responsible for?
Father's occupation
Mothers occupation
Number of Brothers and Ages
Number of Sisters and Ages
How many children in your family are now in some type of higher education?
Do you reside with your parents? If not, with whom?
Official High School Transcript
Browse Files
Accepted file formats are .doc and .pdf (.docx is NOT accepted)
Your signature on this application is confirmation from you that the information you have provided is correct and true. By affixing your signature, you acknowledge and approve that your likeness and information may be used in a press release and other promotional material if you are chosen
a scholarship recipient.
A completed application consister of the following: This application - completed and signed, and the teacher recommendation and character recommendation.
Applicant's Signature
Name of Applicant
First Name
Last Name
Date Signed by Applicant
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