Application process for applying to EBI: (Please read carefully!)
1. Read the EBI Catalog/Student Handbook
2. Complete this online form.
- One parental reference and one personal reference (first-time students) and one pastoral reference are required to process your application. References you specify on this form will be notified via email. (If reference's email addresses are not available, you will need to give them the appropriate reference forms - intructions included in this form)
- You will need to provide (1) a high school transcript or (2) a letter stating willingness to study at a post high school level if no transcript is available or you have not graduated from high school.
3. Send application fee to EBI via check or online payment. (instructions included in form)
Please note:
The references you specify will be emailed a link to submit a reference form
You will receive notifications when references are submitted
Important: Make sure the email addresses you provide are correct!