Periodically, Circle of Friends will choose to use photgraphs of program children in the development of promotional materials such as brochures, videotapes and newsletters. In addition, magazines, newspapers and television may request photographs and videotape when doing a story about our program. Photographs will aslo be displayed on the Circle of Friends website and in Circle of Friends facilities.
While publicity about Circle of Friends is critical to raising awareness and funds, it is our intention to protect the privacy of our children and their families. Therefore, a Media Release must grant permission for use of any photographic image of our program children. This Release must be signed by the child's legal guardian prior to the time the image will be used. The Media Release form must be uptated if there is a change in legal guardianship or custody of a child.
An affirmative-signed photographic release does not give any Circle of Friends staff and board members the right to grant permission to use the image of a program child for any reason other than already stated above.
In order to protect our program children's privacy NO child photo will be put on SOCIAL MEDIA.
If a legal guardian or program youth has stated that he or she does not grant permission for a child's image to be used, it is our responsibiltiy to protect the child from being photographed. We will protect the privacy of our children and will prevent them from having their pictures taken if the legal guardian so wishes.
It is the responsibility of the Executive Director to secure a signed Media Release form for all program children, whether affirmative or negative, and to update the release if there is a change in the legal guardianship or custody of the child.
It is the responsibility of any employee or volunteer coordinating photographs or media exposure of any kind to ensure that a signed (affirmative) Media Release is on file for any program children whose images will be used in any way.