End Hunger Clay Shoot - Powder Creek Shooting Park
Please select a sign-up option
Title Sponsor - $2500
Luncheon Sponsor - $1500
Award Sponsor - $1000
Media Sponsor - $1000
Beverage Sponsor - $500
Snack Sponsor - $500
Station Sponsor - $100
Register a Team of 4 Only - $600
Register Individual(s) Only - $150 per shooter
In-Kind Contribution
Cash Contribution
Observer/Lunch Only - $25
Title Sponsorship Includes
1 complimentary team of 4
Complimentary booth/table for promotional materials
Display your company banner in tent area/front entrance
Total station sponsorship (exclusive-your choice)
Sponsor recognition on signage
Sponsor recognition on KFB Foundation events webpage
Your company brand on scorecards & registration table
Acknowledgement during awards ceremony
Your brand on table tents at lunch and awards ceremony
Social media recognition
Luncheon Sponsorship Includes
1 complimentary team of 4
Complimentary display/booth for promotional materials
1 complimentary station sign (logo on one station)
Sponsor recognition on signage
Sponsor recognition on KFB Foundation events webpage
Your brand on table tents at lunch and awards ceremony
Special recognition during tournament
Social media recognition
Award Sponsorship Includes
1 complimentary team of 4
1 complimentary station sign (logo on one station)
Sponsor recognition on signage
Sponsor recognition on KFB Foundation events webpage
Sponsor recognition during awards ceremony
Social media recognition
Media Sponsorship Includes
1 complimentary team of 4
Sponsor recognition on signage
Sponsor recognition on KFB Foundations events website
Sponsor recognition during awards ceremony
Social media recognition
Beverage Sponsorship Includes
Recognition as Beverage Sponsor on signage
Logo signage at beverage station
Sponsor recognition on KFB Foundation events webpage
Your brand on table tents at lunch and awards ceremony
Sponsor recognition during awards ceremony
Social media recognition
Snack Sponsorship Includes
Sponsor recognition on KFB Foundation events webpage
Your brand on table tents at lunch and awards ceremony
Sponsor recognition during awards ceremony
Social media recognition
Station Sponsorship Includes
Sponsor recognition at a shooting station
Sponsor recognition on KFB Foundation events webpage
Your brand on table tents at lunch and awards ceremony
Sponsor recognition during awards ceremony
Social media recognition
In-kind donation
Please list items you will donate for the shooter swag bags.
Cash donation
Enter the amount of your donation
enter numbers only without dollar sign
How many shooters would you like to register?
1 shooter - $150
2 shooters - $300
3 shooters - $450
Your sponsorship level does not include shooters. Would you like to register any shooters?
No shooters - $0
1 shooter - $150
2 shooters - $300
3 shooters - $450
4 shooters - $600
How many Observer/Lunch Only tickets would you like to purchase?
Please Select
1 - $25
2 - $50
3 - $75
4 - $100
5 - $125
Shooter Info
Shooter 1 Name
First Name
Last Name
Shooter 1 Email
Shooter 2 Name
First Name
Last Name
Shooter 2 Email
Shooter 3 Name
First Name
Last Name
Shooter 3 Email
Shooter 4 Name
First Name
Last Name
Shooter 4 Email
Amount Calculation
( X )
Credit Card
Organization or Company Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
You can upload your company logo here
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