Financial Assistance
Catechetical ministry is a foundational ministry of the Church. Therefore, it is important that all children have access to this important component in their formation as children of God.
We also believe that parent involvement is necessary. We have a wide variety of volunteer opportunities. Partial financial assistance is available for Family Faith Formation with volunteer hours. Please contact Frank Pavlick at
651-426-3245 ext.233 or to discuss partial financial assistance.
Fee Waiver for Catechists
Those parents who are called to the ministry of catechism with Family Faith Formation may have the fee waived for one of their children. Please contact Frank Pavlick at 651-426-3245 ext. 222 or if you wish to be a catechist.
Family Faith Formation is part of a lifelong journey. To receive all the blessings and benefits, class attendance is expected. Disruptive behavior affects all those in the classroom, it makes the catechist’s job more difficult, is detrimental to the formation of other young people in the class, and does not reflect Christian values. To minimize disruptive behavior, the attached Code of Conduct will be followed in every Faith Formation class.
Photo Release
I, the undersigned, do hereby grant permission to St. Jude of the Lake Catholic Church to use the image of my child(ren). Such use includes the display, distribution, publication, transmission, or other use of photographs, images, and/or video taken of my child for use in materials that include, but may not be limited to, printed materials such as brochures and newsletters, videos, and digital images such as those on the St. Jude of the Lake website.