The AAPG Latin America & Caribbean Region and SPE Suriname Section invite you to join us for Maturing Recent Successes While Unlocking New Opportunities in the Guiana Basin and Beyond, an in-person technical symposium designed to facilitate learning, sharing, and open discussion among all attendees.
The technical program committee has a particular interest in presentations highlighting state-of-the-art concepts, methodologies, case histories, and future directions relating to the symposium theme and geographic region featured. They also seek case studies illustrating the successful implementation of new scientific techniques and technologies.
Please read the complete guidelines and complete the form below.
The symposium will be held in-person only and will not include virtual presentations. Please refrain from submitting proposals if you know that you will not be able to travel to Paramaribo to attend the event.
Proposal Guidelines
1. MULTIPLE PROPOSALS: There are no restrictions on the number of proposals submitted, but no proposal should be submitted more than once. No more than two presentations per presenter will be accepted for the program.
2. CONTENT AND REQUIREMENTS: Presentation proposals will be reviewed, scored and selected using the following criteria:
- Relevance: Subject matter is timely, pertains to registrants, and is appropriate to the theme.
- Usefulness: Contributes to new knowledge or new techniques/practice.
- Object: Clearly states what the audience can expect to learn.
- Quality: Ideas are organized and presented in a clear and logical way.
Proposals are limited to 2000 characters, not including title, authors, or companies/institutions. Graphics and tables are not permitted in the proposal. The presence of commercialism may result in the proposal being rejected from consideration. Proposals must be submitted in English.
3. PARTICIPATION: Oral Presenters selected for the program will be asked to prepare a 20-minute presentation, with English language slides and deliver their presentation in English. Poster Presenters selected for the program will prepare a printed poster to be displayed in the conference room throughout the two days of the symposium. The printed content should appear in English, though speakers may explain their poster content in English or Dutch, depending on the audience. All presenters must register for the symposium and pay the registration fee to participate in the event.