Coaching is an ongoing relationship between a coach and a person who desires coaching. We both agree that:
1. Coaching is for people who are well adjusted, emotionally healthy, functioning effectively, and wanting to make improvements in their lives. While coaching may be therapeutic, coaching is not therapy, counseling, mental health care, or treatment for substance abuse or any addictive behavior.
2. While emotional issues may arise, the primary focus of life coaching is designed to address issues the person being coached would like to consider. These could include (but are not limited to) personal foundation, career development, spiritual growth, healthy lifestyle management, life balance, decision-making, and achieving short-term or long-term goals.
3.The coach is not functioning as a licensed mental health professional, therapist, and coaching is not intended as a replacement for counseling, psychiatric interventions, treatment for mental illness, recovery from past abuse, professional medical advice, financial assistance, legal counsel, or other professional services.
4. Coaching can involve one session, last several weeks or several months. Many clients request an ongoing coaching relationship after seeing the benefits. They equate it to a personal trainer for life goals. Most clients like to schedule a session once or twice a week for support and accountability. Some or all of the coaching may be through telephone contact, zoom or in person.
5. Coaching can involve brainstorming, values clarification, the completion of written assignments, education, goal-setting, identifying plans of action, accountability, making requests, agreements to change behavior, examining lifestyles, and questioning.
6. Coaching is most effective when both parties are honest and straightforward in their communication.
7. If the coaching is to involve payment for services, both parties will agree to a fee, form of payment, procedures for canceled appointments, an initial length of commitment before the first session.
8. Coaching is a confidential relationship and the coach agrees to keep all information strictly confidential, except in those situations where such confidentiality would violate the law.
9. We agree to the following business arrangements: The hourly fee per single session is $175.00. Coaching packages are available as well. If I do not cancel any session with 24 hours notice, I will forfeit the session fee.
10. I am committed to creating an alliance with my coach, Laura Lawrence Wilcock, CPLC.
11. Each of the people whose signatures appear below agrees that this agreement represents our mutual understanding of the coaching relationship.
DISCLAIMER: The client is the sole decision-maker in the coaching process. Any actions or consequences resulting from the coaching sessions are the responsibility of the client. The client releases the coach of all liability pertaining to the services rendered in the coaching relationship.