1. Application: LearnCollab Pte Ltd shall only accept application made on this registration form. Applicants are to assure that particulars and information provided are true and correct. LearnCollab Pte Ltd reserves the right to verify information given with relevant third parties and may reject any incomplete or inaccurately completed application.2. Admissions and payment of fees: Admission is confirmed upon the signing of registration form along with payment of requisite course fees. LearnCollab Pte Ltd reserves the right to cancel any allocation of places if course fees remain unpaid when the training programme commences.
3. Course withdrawal: After admission formalities, an applicant who wishes to withdraw from the training programme may do so by providing at least seven (7) days’ notice to LearnCollab Pte Ltd in writing via email to contactus@learncollab.com.sg4. Changes: The terms and conditions of this Training Programme may be amended from time to time with due written notice to applicant.
5. Acknowledgement:- You will ensure that you attain at least 75% attendance and pass as competent for all assessments for the different modules of the training programme. You hereby assure LearnCollab Pte Ltd that you will put in your best effort and complete the training programme.- In the event that you(a) drop out and fail to complete the training programme; or(b) unable to achieve competency for the trianing programme(c) in any way render yourself unable or unsuitable to pursue the programme; or(d) am expelled due to serious breach of discipline (including high absenteeism);You will not be eligible for any funding support during the training and liable to refund all the relevant cost incurred by SkillsFuture Singapore and LearnCollab Pte Ltd.- You understand the process of applying for the training grant and give your consent to LearnCollab Pte Ltd to proceed with the application and claim from your SkillsFuture credits via Training Partners Gateway on your behalf.- You have understood all the terms and conditions. You agree to comply and abide by the decision of LearnCollab Pte Ltd and Skillsfuture Singapore concerning this application. Skillsfuture Singapore reserves the right to recover any funding provided if any of the information is falsely declared.- You have understood that grant indicated and as LearnCollab Pte Ltd has applied on your behalf will be subjected to the approval from SSG.- You give consent for the relevant authorities to use, obtain and verify information, photos from or with any source, as you deem appropriate for the assessment of my application for enrolment or to promote LearnCollab Pte Ltd and its training programmes.