Nikolai and Tatyana Poliakov are members of Life Church yet travel extensively into Russia, helping to establish churches, support church leaders,and go into remote areas to share the Good News! Nikolai and Tatyana were both born in Ukraine, and grew up in the Pentecostal underground church during the Soviet Union. In 1992, they began to minister in the easternmost part of Russia planting churches.
Today, they work with orphanages and prisons, and give humanitarian aid to needy people. The uniqueness of this work is a ministry to the tribal people: Koryaks, Evens, Itelmens, and Aleuts. These people live in the tundra area,and most of them are reindeer herders. Today there are churches even among the indigenous people groups. Nikolai and Tatyana have four children: Karolina, Nick, Sergei, and Andrew. This family has sown much into the Kingdom and bring great strength to our church body. Let's declare the goodness and blessing of God over them as they bring the love of Jesus into both Russia and the United States!