Survey on domestic and family violence/abuse frontline workers’ perceptions of impacts of Victorian rental legislation changes on clients with animals
Where is your organisation based?
Inner metropolitan Melbourne (< 10km from CBD)
Outer metropolitan Melbourne (> 10km from CBD)
Regional Victoria
Rural/remote Victoria
How long have you been working as a frontline worker for?
Do you work for a specialised service? If so, what community do you service (e.g. Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people, refugee and migrant communities, LGBTQIA+ people, people with disability/disabled people)?
Please describe your role at your organisation.
Approximately what percentage of your clients have animals?
How often do you ask your clients whether they have animals under their care?
What do you find is the biggest barrier to safety for your clients with animals?
Were you aware of the rental changes allowing pets in rental properties?
Have you noticed any changes in your clients with animals' ability to access safe accommodation since the rental changes came into effect (2nd March 2020)?*
*If you were not working in the sector prior to 2nd March 2020, please type N/A
To what degree have you seen an improvement in access to rental properties for your animals with clients since March 2020?
No improvement
Some improvement
Significant improvement
If you selected 'no improvement', why do you think this is?
What happens when your clients with animals are unable to access animal-friendly accommodation? Are there any cases you would like to tell us about?
Is there anything else you would like to share with us about how the changes to rental laws have impacted your work?
Should be Empty: