You are about to begin the online application for a student to be considered for Magnolia Montessori Academy, a public charter school of choice. Each application is for only one student. If you want to apply for more than one student, an application for each additional student must be completed. We renew our waiting pool each year. Our current waiting pool is emptied and a new lottery is drawn each year for any open spots in the next school year. Any current applications are for this school year only and will be discarded at the end of that school year. Charter schools are open to all of Polk County.
If you are completing applications for more than one of your children, there is no guarantee that all siblings will be able to attend the school, although siblings will receive preference if one is admitted. Enrollments are established by grade level and physical space. It is your responsibility to advise us you have a change of address and/or phone number. Exceptional student education students are subject to an IEP review prior to enrollment.If you accept enrollment to Magnolia Montessori Academy, your child will NOT be taken off any magnet or choice waiting lists. Students entering kindergarten must be five (5) on or before September 1 of the year enrolling.