Graduate Advisor electronically submits an UG ME Request for Authorization to Conduct ME.
Note: If the chapter has zero members, be sure to use the "UG ME Request for Authorization - NO MEMBERS".
The request form is submitted with the following documents:
- ME Health Check
- Evidence of ME Certification for Basileus, Membership Chairman and Graduate Advisor
- Rush Flyer
- ME Budget
- ME Undergraduate Timeline (Schedule of Activities to Include Campus Presentation)
- Copy of the college or university's NPHC Greek Life Policy
College or university's academic calendar for the current semester or quarter in which they are requesting Membership Experience
Chapter must be in good standing by remitting chapter tax, per capita and updating the roster of officers before submission of the ME Request.
*All forms may be found on Once logged in, select "Resources" then select "Forms & Documents" and search using the keyword, Membership to locate the required forms.