By selecting agree, you agree to abide by all rules and regulations as set fourth by the Tack up St. Jude Trail Ride staff. You, including minor children, understand you participate in this event AT YOUR OWN RISK as to any aspect of this event and understand Double C Ranch, Kokopelli Ranch Productions, St. Jude Trail Ride Staff is not in the care, custody, or control of any animal, participant, piece of equipment. **Parents are responsible for minor children** I hearby certify I understand this agreement. You (they) understand the responsibility for any damages resulting to you, your animals, equipment or damage you may cause others as a result of your participation in this association or event is your own. WARNING: Under Mississippi law, an equine activity or equine sponsor is not liable for an injury to or the death of a participant in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities.