Level 1 - Absence of centralised and standardised risk register, that encompasses the minimum elements of the event description, causes and consequences, current control, future treatments, scores, accountabilities and time frames for managing risks. The majority of areas/ or project haven't populated a risk register.
Level 2 - Multiple versions of registers exist and not following the same structure or format, i.e. RIMS, excel spreadsheets. Registers are incomplete or suffer severe quality issues, missing controls, accountability of managing risks, or responsibility of treatment actions, etc. Multiple areas/or project have no access to risk register.
Level 3 - Multiple versions of registers exist that follow the same structure or format, i.e. RIMS, excel spreadsheets. Registers are incomplete or suffer quality issues that don’t affect its integrity. Few areas/or projects have no access to risk register.
Level 4 - One version per unit/project with minor compliance or quality issues. A negligible number of areas/projects haven't populated a risk register.
Level 5 - Centralised and standardised risk register, that encompasses the minimum elements of the event description, causes and consequences, current control, future treatments, scores, accountabilities and time frames for managing risks.