1. I (owner/parent) understand that if my pet has a history of aggression or biting, Megan Wuerz (Meg_Grooms) reserves the right to refuse service.
2. I understand that I am liable for any medical care expenses and damages that result from injuries by my pet.
3. I expressly waive and relinquish any and all claims against Megan Wuerz (Meg_Grooms), its employees and representatives, except for those arising from negligence on the part of Megan Wuerz (Meg_Grooms).
4. I have disclosed to Megan Wuerz (Meg_Grooms) all known dangers associated with my pet.
5. I expressly understand and agree that Megan Wuerz (Meg_Grooms) shall not be held responsible for any damage to my property.
6. I understand that under no circumstances will Megan Wuerz (Meg_Grooms) be liable for consequential damages or damages.
7. If any medical problems develop while my pet is in the care of Megan Wuerz (Meg_Grooms), I authorize Megan Wuerz (Meg_Grooms) to do whatever is necessary for the safety, health and well being of my pet. Further I assume full financial responsibility for any and all expenses incurred.
8.I hereby release Megan Wuerz (Meg_Grooms) from any liability associated with any and all injuries or medical problems that may be uncovered and or occur during the stripping, de-matting, bathing and grooming process. Should my pet need veterinarian care after or during the process of de-matting, stripping, bathing or grooming, I agree to pay any and all veterinarian fees. I understand that there is always the possibility an accident could occur. Grooming equipment is sharp. Even though we use extreme caution and care in all situations, possible problems could occur, including cuts, nicks, and scratches. In most cases, this can happen when a dog is wiggling or moving around. Every effort will be made to ensure your dog is groomed as safely as possible, but an excited dog can be dangerous to continue to work on. We reserve the right to end the grooming session, even if the groom is not completed.
9. I hereby declare to Megan Wuerz (Meg_Grooms) that I am the legal owner of my pet; that my pet has not been exposed to any infectious illness within the last (30) thirty days; that my pet has been properly inoculated for the following vaccinations: Rabies, Distemper, Parvovirus, Leptospirosis and Bordetella as well as a negative fecal exam within the last year; that my pet is currently and properly licensed; I (the owner) certify the information I have provided to be true and accurate; and I (the owner) have read this agreement in its entirety. Owner is not enrolling any dog that has any condition that could potentially jeopardize the health of other dogs or people and has not had any potentially communicable condition within 30 days prior to enrollment. Owner further understands that even if Owner(s) dog is vaccinated for Bordetella (Kennel Cough) there is a chance that the Owner’s dog can still contract Kennel Cough. Owner agrees that Owner will not hold Megan Wuerz (Meg_Grooms) responsible if Owner’s dog(s) contracts Kennel Cough or other dog-dog transmitted ailments.
10.We love to post pictures and videos on Instagram, Tiktok, Facebook, our website, and/or in magazine ads. I agree to allow Megan Wuerz (Meg_Grooms) to use my pet’s name and any images or likeness of my pet taken while he/she is with Megan Wuerz (Meg_Grooms), in any form, for use at any time, in any media, marketing, advertising, illustration, trade or promotional materials without compensation, and I releases to Megan Wuerz (Meg_Grooms) all rights that I may possess or claim to such image, likeness, recording, etc.