Exhibitors shall at all times protect, indemnify, save, and keep harmless the Minnesota Comic Book Association, its members, volunteers, the MN State Fairgrounds in its entirety, against any and all form of loss, cost damage, liability or expense. Including that which arises out of, or from, or by any reason of or act or omission by retailer/dealer, his employees or agents, SpringCon attendees/participants, MNCBA staff, volunteers, owners, or the staff of the MN State Fairgrounds. All spaces/tables sales are final. Retailers/Vendors may not assign this contract or any right hereunder nor sublet or license any or all portion of its space without the prior written consent of the MNCBA, which consent shall be in the MNCBA's sole discretion. The signing of this form and participation in SpringCon, indicates your full and complete Understanding and 100% acceptance of the stated terms.
By signing this agreement you agree to abide by the policies and rules of conduct of the MNCBA, which can be found on the following website: https://www.mncba.org/policies.html