The positions that will be elected at the 2022 Special National Conference will be Vice President and Alumni Representative. To be eligible, a candidate must have previous experience serving in the Mortar Board national leadership as a member of National Council, a section coordinator, a committee chair, or a trustee.
Nominations are due on or before November 15. Following the development of a slate, which contains one candidate for each position, candidate materials will be shared with chapters and be available online. Positions are elected at the Special National Conference (SNC), which is held virtually late in January.
Each position is for a two-year term. An officer may serve for two consecutive two-year terms in the same position. The National Council meets monthly virtually, attends national conferences, and may serve on other committees.
Vice President: The Vice President serves as a liasion to the section coordinators and decides all proposals for dismissal from membership. This position works closely with the Manager of Communications and Collegiate Operations in the National Office.
Alumni Representative: As one of two alumni representatives, this position represents their constituency and works closely with the Director of Engagement in the National Office to plan alumni events and encourage membership in the Mortar Board Alumni Association (MBAA).
Note: As mentioned, for 2022, the positions of vice president and alumni representative are up for election. In 2023, president-elect, sercretary-treasurer, and alumni representative will be elected. The president-elect succeeds to National President and immediate past president, each a two-year term. A student representative-at-large is elected each year at the Mortar Board National Conference held in the summer.