Moving Windmills was founded in 2008 to help empower and uplift changemakers with the right tools, technology, mentors and resources. // Moving Windmills idakhazikitsidwa mu 2008 kuti ithandizire kupatsa mphamvu ndi kukweza osintha ndi zida zoyenera, ukadaulo, alangizi ndi zothandizira.
We believe that talent is universal, but opportunity is not. If you believe in what we believe and want to join our mission, sign up below for your chance to get involved and create opportunities that help change the world and tackle challenges. // Timakhulupirira kuti luso ndi chilengedwe, koma mwayi si choncho. Ngati mumakhulupirira zomwe timakhulupirira ndipo mukufuna kulowa nawo ntchito yathu, lembani m'munsimu kuti mukhale ndi mwayi wotenga nawo mbali ndikupanga mipata yomwe imathandizira kusintha dziko ndikuthana ndi zovuta.
Learn more at // Dziwani zambiri pa